Financial Advisor: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Financial Advisor

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Introduction – Financial Advisor

Many times personal finance is a cumbersome process and is filled with complex choices and unpredictable markets condition. A financial advisor can provide crucial and invaluable guidance. They are the compass to steer you toward financial security. To prosper, focus on understanding their role, finding the financial advisor who fits your needs, and building a productive partnership.

The Crucial Role of Financial Advisors

Financial advisors help navigate complex investments, associated risks, and retirement planning. Their expertise brings clarity in uncertain times. They guide individuals, families, and institutions toward their financial goals.

Why Finding the Right Financial Advisor Matters

Choosing the right financial advisor significantly impacts your financial future. Their expertise and guidance can mean the difference between a comfortable retirement and financial hardship.

Understanding Financial Advisors

What is a Financial Advisor?

Financial advisors are professionals who help manage finances through investments, retirement planning, taxes, and more. Their tailored advice helps clients make informed money decisions and achieve financial goals efficiently.

Types of Financial Advisors and Their Specializations

Financial advisors come in various specializations, each focusing on specific aspects of financial management:

Investment Advisors

Investment advisors who create customized portfolios aligned with your risk tolerance and goals. They monitor market trends and adjust portfolios to maximize returns.

Example: Sarah worked with an investment advisor to develop a balanced portfolio aligned with her goals of saving for retirement and her daughter's college education. The advisor customized an allocation across stocks, bonds, and other assets to maximize returns within Sarah's risk tolerance.

Wealth Managers

Wealth managers who oversee comprehensive financial plans integrating investments, estate planning, and taxes.

Example: James employed a wealth manager to oversee his family's entire financial picture. The wealth manager coordinated investment management, tax strategies, estate planning, and budgeting into a comprehensive plan to preserve and grow James' assets.

Retirement Planners

Retirement planners who analyze current assets and project future need to ensure a secure retirement.

Example: Mark met with a retirement planner as he approached retirement. The planner analyzed Mark's current savings and estimated his retirement income needs. She recommended additional savings and investments to ensure Mark could maintain his lifestyle in retirement without financial stress.

Tax Advisors

Tax advisors who minimize tax liabilities legally through strategic planning. They strategize around tax-efficient investments and financial decisions.

Example: Jessica used a tax advisor to minimize her business's tax obligations. The tax advisor recommended using an S-Corp election, establishing a retirement plan, and tracking deductions to lower her taxable income legally.

Estate Planners

Estate planners who help preserve and distribute assets after death according to your wishes. They ensure that your estate is managed according to your wishes and can help minimize estate taxes.

Example: When Margaret's parents passed away, she worked with an estate planner to execute their will and preserve assets for her and her siblings. The estate planner helped establish trusts, file estate taxes, and distribute inheritances according to her parents' wishes.

The Benefits of Hiring a Financial Advisor

Achieving Financial Goals

Financial advisors collaborate with you to turn vague dreams like “retire early” into concrete, actionable goals with timelines and dollar amounts. Through discussion, they create a financial roadmap tailored to your unique aspirations. This includes recommended savings rates, investment strategies, and milestone ages to stay on track toward major objectives like retirement, college savings, or buying property. With an advisor’s guidance, your goals become achievable.

Example: John wanted to retire at 60 with a paid-off house and $2 million in savings. His advisor broke this down into monthly savings targets, recommended retirement account contributions and ideal investment mixes to achieve each milestone.

Tailored Financial Plans

Unlike generic guidelines, a financial advisor crafts a plan aligned specifically to your financial situation. They assess your income, assets, debts, family status, and risk appetite. With this full picture, they build a strategy addressing your unique priorities and constraints. An advisor-created plan provides personalized guidance so you can actually implement the steps.

Example: Sara was a high earner but avoided investing. Her advisor designed a plan to leverage her income through tax-advantaged accounts and gradually enter the stock market using her risk tolerance.

Expertise and Market Insights

Seasoned financial advisors bring decades of experience and constantly update their knowledge. This means they can educate you on ever-changing market conditions, new financial products, and relevant regulations. Their insights allow you to make investment decisions based on real-world expertise rather than guesswork. Advisors also stay on top of economic news and shift so your strategy flexes with the markets.

Example: When Anne's company offered an early retirement package, she consulted her advisor. He provided market analysis to help Anne decide whether to retire early or work a few more years to maximize her retirement income.

Mitigating Risks and Making Informed Decisions

All investing involves some risk, but a financial advisor helps protect your money. They construct your portfolio weighting assets to match your risk tolerance. If markets plunge, they prevent rash moves by providing reassurance and keeping the long-term picture in focus. Advisors also regularly rebalance assets to maintain their target allocations. Their guidance enables smart decisions, not emotional reactions.

Example: During the 2008 recession, Kevin panicked as he saw his portfolio value drop. His advisor kept him invested and actually rebalanced into equities, allowing Kevin to recoup his losses as markets recovered.

Time-Saving and Stress Reduction

Understanding changing tax codes, researching investment options, and trying to craft cohesive strategies is demanding. Advisors take these difficult tasks off your plate. The time and stress savings let you focus on family, career, and other priorities while knowing your finances are in expert hands.

Example: Isabel wanted to reduce working hours to care for family but wasn't sure about the financial impact. Her advisor modeled different income scenarios so Isabel could make an informed decision without countless hours of research.

Having a tailored plan and expert guidance gave each person the confidence to take steps aligned with their priorities rather than acting out of uncertainty. The advisor matched financial strategies to each unique situation and goal.

Evaluating Your Financial Needs

Defining Your Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

Having clear short and long-term financial goals provides focus and direction for your advisor. Take time to define specific objectives like retiring at 60 with a paid-off house or saving $100,000 for your child’s college by age 18. Outline target ages, amounts, and timelines.

Example: Rachel wants to retire at 60 with $2 million saved and college funds for her 2 kids. She outlines target retirement savings amounts by age and the cost of 4 years tuition estimated 18 years from now.

Assessing Your Current Financial Situation

To create a tailored plan, advisors need a clear picture of your finances. Gather details on your current income, recurring expenses, assets like property or investments, and liabilities like loans or debt. Also indicate one-time planned expenses like a wedding.

Example: Sam gathers his current household income, recurring expenses, home value, investment holdings, and remaining student loan balance. This provides his advisor a clear picture.

Identifying Your Risk Tolerance

Your willingness and ability to take risk impacts how your portfolio should be constructed. Discuss honestly with yourself and your advisor how comfortable you are with potential market volatility. This will determine suitable investment choices.

Example: James has a moderate risk tolerance. He is comfortable with some short-term volatility but does not want overly aggressive investments that could endanger his principal.

Clarifying Your Investment Preferences

Decide how involved you want to be in actively managing investments vs. delegating to your advisor. Some prefer selecting stocks directly, while others are happy letting the advisor make allocation decisions according to strategy.

Example: Maria prefers being highly involved in investment decisions rather than delegating control. She wants to discuss and approve all specific asset purchases and sales.

Finding the Right Financial Advisor

Researching Potential Advisors

Vetting multiple qualified advisors is key to finding the right fit. Consult online platforms, get referrals from trusted individuals, or search professional databases. Shortlist a few options before selecting.

Example: Lee asks close friends for advisor referrals, researches local options on, and cross-checks candidates on the SEC advisor database.

Checking Credentials and Qualifications

Verify your potential advisor has key certifications like CFP or CFA which require extensive training and ethics standards. Also, confirm they comply with industry regulations and check their background for any red flags.

Example: Emma verifies her potential advisor has a CFP certification in good standing and no red flags on background checks or reported misconduct.

Comparing Different Advisor Fee Structures

Fee-Only Financial Advisors

Fee-only financial advisors charge a transparent, flat fee rather than commissions. This can reduce conflicts of interest by separating advice from product sales incentives. But ensure the fee aligns with the services offered.

Example: Lucas chooses a fee-only advisor who charges 1% of assets under management annually. This avoids commissions incentivizing certain financial products.

Fee-Based Advisors

A good relationship with your advisor built on trust and communication promotes collaboration. Have open discussions about your goals, concerns, and life changes. over time this strengthens your partnership.

Example: Alicia worked with a fee-based advisor who charged her 1% of assets under management and also earned commissions on financial products. The advisor helped rollover Alicia's 401k into an IRA invested in mutual funds which generated commission revenue.

Commission-Based Advisors

Commission-based advisors earn their income through selling financial products. While their advice might be free, their recommendations might be biased. Well-defined financial goals allow tailored strategies. Clearly outline what you want to achieve, by when, and target amounts for objectives like retirement, college savings, or home purchase funds.

Example: Jackson used a commission-based advisor. The advisor provided free investment recommendations but made money by selling Jackson various life insurance policies and annuities which paid him sizable commissions.

Performance-Based Fees

In performance-based fee structures, advisors earn a percentage of the returns they generate. This can align their interests with yours, but it’s essential to evaluate potential risks. Well-defined financial goals allow tailored strategies. Clearly outline what you want to achieve, by when, and target amounts for objectives like retirement, college savings, or home purchase funds.

Example: Leo hired an advisor who took a 20% cut of any portfolio gains exceeding 8% each year. This performance-based fee motivated his advisor to make aggressive trades to try generating outsized returns.

Choosing the Fee Structure that Fits Your Needs

Consider your financial goals, investment style, and comfort level with various fee structures. Opt for the one that aligns best with your objectives and values. Financial advisors can incorporate tax-efficient investments and strategies to reduce your liability. For example, utilizing retirement accounts, offsetting capital gains with losses, charitable donations, and more.

Example: Eric prioritized uncompensated advice, so he avoided commission-based models. He was comfortable with performance-based fees for his high-risk tolerance. For his IRA, Eric chose a fee-only advisor to minimize conflicts.

The examples illustrate how different fee structures incentivize certain recommendations or investments. Evaluating your own goals and philosophy allows choosing a model aligned with your financial needs and priorities. Remember, it is important to choose the right one. Check your pockets and hire a financial advisor accordingly.

The Importance of Compatibility

Establishing Rapport and Communication

Open and frequent communication creates a foundation of trust between the client and advisor. By scheduling regular calls, meetings, or emails, you can discuss questions, changes in your life, concerns about your plan, and any other financial issues on your mind. Over time, this establishes rapport where you feel comfortable seeking counsel from your advisor. Transparent discussions also allow the advisor to tailor their guidance based on your evolving needs and priorities. The rapport shouldn’t be one-sided either – you should ensure the advisor also keeps you informed proactively about their recommendations and market events affecting your strategy.

Example: As James approached retirement, his needs changed but his long-time advisor persisted with his original plan. By meeting quarterly to review his evolving situation, James' new advisor adjusted his strategy to maximize income and minimize taxes in retirement. This ensured James' plan adapted as his life did.

Shared Values and Investment Philosophy

Seeking an advisor whose values and investing approach align with yours minimizes the chances of conflicts. If generating high returns is most important to you, pursue advisors with a growth philosophy. If you want socially responsible investing, select an advisor who constructs portfolios around ESG principles. Clear compatibility here leads to collaboration rather than contention when it comes to investment selections and financial planning approaches. Discussing these factors upfront prevents misunderstandings down the line.

Example: Mia scheduled monthly calls with her new advisor to discuss any life changes, questions about her plan, and concerns amid market volatility. Over 2 years, open communication strengthened trust and transparency. When Mia's husband lost his job, she felt comfortable seeking guidance from her advisor.

Regular Updates and Check-ins

Your life situation changes over time – new career, marriage, children, retirement. Your financial plan must evolve with it. By meeting with your advisor regularly to review your goals, risk appetite, and any new needs, they can make adjustments to keep your strategy current. For example, as you near retirement maximizing income may become more important than return-seeking growth investments. Staying on top of changes together rather than just meeting annually enables your advisor to provide guidance tailored to your life stage.

Example: Ryan prioritized socially responsible investing, but his previous advisor only evaluated returns. Ryan switched to an advisor who constructs portfolios for his ESG values. Rather than debating decisions, they now collaborate on investments reflecting Ryan's environmental and governance priorities.

The examples illustrate how alignment on communication style, core values, and flexibility leads to more productive advisor relationships tailored to the client’s financial needs and priorities. Taking time to find the right fit up-front prevents conflicts down the road.

Crafting Your Financial Plan

Setting Clear Financial Objectives

Well-defined goals enable personalized strategies. Be specific about target amounts, timelines, and milestones for each objective. For retirement, state your desired monthly income, withdrawal start age, and account balances needed. For college savings, pick target schools, anticipated costs per year, and child’s age at enrollment. Defining tangible metrics prevents vague plans.

Example: Michelle wants to retire at 65 with $3,000 monthly income. Her advisor estimates she needs $1 million in retirement savings to generate that income and sets yearly savings goals to reach that target.

Asset Allocation Strategies

Well-defined goals enable personalized strategies. Be specific about target amounts, timelines, and milestones for each objective. For retirement, state your desired monthly income, withdrawal start age, and account balances needed. For college savings, pick target schools, anticipated costs per year, and child’s age at enrollment. Defining tangible metrics prevents vague plans

Example: Based on Anne's moderate risk tolerance, her advisor recommends a portfolio with 50% equities, 40% fixed income, 5% real estate, and 5% alternatives. This provides growth while limiting volatility.

Investment Diversification

Diversification into varied assets, sectors, and regions minimizes exposure to any one investment. Your advisor selects specific investments that achieve diversification suited to your goals. This could mean a mix of domestic and international stocks, corporate and municipal bonds, and so on. Diversification reduces overall portfolio volatility.

Example: Wendy's advisor diversifies her stock portfolio across sectors, market caps, and regions - holding US large cap, international small cap, emerging market stocks, healthcare, tech, consumer goods, and more.

Tax Optimization Techniques

Strategies like using pre-tax retirement accounts, tax-loss harvesting, charitable donations, and holding assets for long-term gains can help lower your tax liability. Your advisor incorporates moves to maximize after-tax returns. This allows keeping more of your investment earnings.

Example: Steve maxes out his 401k and IRA each year to take advantage of tax-deferred growth. His advisor also has him realize losses to offset any capital gains.

Estate Planning Considerations

Your advisor can assist with strategies to distribute assets according to your wishes upon passing and minimize estate taxes. This includes setting up wills, and trusts, naming beneficiaries on accounts, gifting assets, and potentially insurance. Estate planning provides peace of mind that your legacy is protected.

Example: Margaret works with her advisor to set up a trust that provides income to her spouse after she passes while preserving the estate value for her children's inheritance.

The examples demonstrate how advisors apply each strategy to help clients achieve their different financial situations and goals. The specifics vary for each individual based on their needs and priorities.

Addressing Common Financial Concerns

How Can I Secure a Comfortable Retirement?

Retirement planners help analyze your current savings, projected retirement expenses, Social Security benefits, and other income streams to determine the gap between your needs and resources. They can then recommend savings rates, investment mixes, and retirement account strategies to help fill that gap so you can retire comfortably. Their guidance provides a personalized roadmap to reach your retirement goals.

Example: Jeremy worked with a retirement planner to forecast his retirement costs and determine the gap between his estimated social security income and his desired retirement lifestyle. The advisor helped him increase savings and select appropriate investments to close the gap.

What Investment Strategies Best Suit My Risk Appetite?

An investment advisor will get to know your risk tolerance through an in-depth discussion of your ability to weather volatility and the need to preserve capital. They combine this with an understanding of your timeline and goals to recommend appropriate investment strategies. For example, goal-based investing if you need to accumulate a specific amount, or income-oriented investing if you require steady payouts. The advisor tailors strategies to your unique preferences.

Example: Since Michelle is highly risk-averse, her advisor suggested a conservative portfolio focused on fixed-income assets like bond funds. This helped her earn some return while minimizing potential volatility.

How Do I Minimize Tax Liabilities?

Tax advisors bring expertise in optimizing deductions, capital gains strategies, utilizing retirement accounts, and more to legally reduce your tax obligations. They stay updated on changing tax codes to uncover savings each year. A customized approach minimizes your lifetime tax liability and maximizes after-tax income you get to keep.

Example: Peter's tax advisor helped set up a 401k plan for his small business. By contributing pre-tax and allowing employees to contribute, the plan provided tax deductions now and tax-deferred growth potential.

What’s the Role of Insurance in Financial Planning?

Insurance helps hedge against unexpected life events. Financial advisors can objectively evaluate your protection gaps through insurance products like life, disability, or long-term care. They quantify costs if you were unable to work or needed expensive medical treatment. Then they recommend tailored solutions to cover these risks so you can protect against catastrophic expenditures.

Example: Aditi consulted her financial advisor about protecting her family's lifestyle if she were unable to work due to illness. The advisor calculated lost income and recommended disability insurance to replace 60% of Aditi's earnings if needed.

How Can I Plan for Future Generations?

Estate planners help develop strategies to pass wealth to your heirs and causes as intended. From trusts and wills to gifting assets or purchasing life insurance, they employ tax-efficient techniques to transfer your legacy. Thoughtful estate planning with an advisor provides peace of mind your estate will benefit those you care about for generations to come.

Example: Steven worked with an estate planner to establish a trust that provides income to his spouse after he passes while preserving the estate corpus to eventually pass to their children tax-efficiently.

Maintaining a Long-Term Partnership

Periodic Portfolio Review and Adjustments

Your advisor should schedule regular portfolio reviews to assess if your investments remain suited to your goals and risk appetite. For example, as you near retirement preserving capital may become more important than return-seeking growth. Your advisor can rebalance holdings or recommend new investments aligned with your evolving needs. They also make adjustments in response to market shifts – if a particular asset class has soared, trimming those winners and reallocating can lock in gains. Regular check-ins ensure your portfolio stays optimized.

Example 1: A retiree reviews their investment portfolio quarterly to see if the asset allocation is still in line with their risk tolerance and time horizon. They rebalance their portfolio to maintain their original target allocation if it has drifted.
Example 2: Investor nearing retirement age decides to gradually shift their equity holdings to more fixed income assets to reduce risk exposure as their time horizon shortens. They reallocate a portion of stocks to bonds every 6 months over a 3 year period leading up to retirement.

Adapting to Life Changes

Major life events often necessitate adapting your financial plan. Getting married may require coordination of assets and expenses. Having kids leads to college savings and insurance needs. Your advisor can evaluate the financial impacts and recommend steps aligned with these changes. For instance, buying life insurance when starting a family or increasing contributions to a 529 college savings plan as enrollment approaches. Keeping your advisor informed about personal changes allows proactively modifying your plan.

Example 1: A couple updates their financial plan after having a baby. They account for increased expenses like daycare costs and start contributing to a 529 college savings plan. They also update their life insurance coverage.
Example 2: A recent divorcee meets with a financial advisor to reevaluate retirement planning after splitting assets with their former spouse. The advisor helps project new retirement income streams and advises adjusting spending to meet new goals.

Revisiting Financial Goals and Strategies

Priorities and goals naturally evolve over decades of life. Revisiting your objectives with your advisor periodically can lead to beneficial strategy adjustments. As an example, if your goal of retiring at 60 changes to retiring at 50, more aggressive savings and investments may be warranted. Or charitable giving may become a priority later in life. Realigning your plan to reflect changes ensures your money continues working toward what matters most in each life stage. Your advisor provides specialized guidance in resetting goals and trajectories.

Example 1: As two working spouses approach mid-career, they reassess plans to pay off their mortgage early. With larger salaries, they decide to increase retirement contributions rather than make extra mortgage payments.
Example 2: A business owner plans for retirement by setting up a 401(k) plan when starting their company. Every few years they review contribution limits and investment options to ensure the plan still meets their income needs at retirement.


The Psychology of Money

Money is intensely psychologically and emotionally driven. Financial decisions are not based on cold logic alone. Human behaviors and cognitive biases have a huge influence on monetary choices. A good financial advisor recognizes money is not just mathematical but tied to a person’s upbringing, personality, values, fears, and desires. Understanding the “why” behind financial behaviors is crucial. An advisor can help clients identify and overcome detrimental money mindsets or behaviors that subconsciously sabotage their best interests.

Beyond Returns

Skilled financial advisors look beyond investment returns to consider the client’s total financial picture in the context of their life goals. Rates of return matter but must be weighed appropriately against risk tolerance, time horizon, tax strategy, estate planning, and more to build comprehensive plans. Advisors take a goals-based approach, not just an investment performance focus. Plans are made to optimize quality of life, not just portfolio size.

Coordinator of Professionals

Financial advisors often coordinate teams of specialized professionals to address the specific needs of a client. For example, an advisor may collaborate with an accountant for tax planning, an attorney for estate strategies, an insurance agent for risk management, a banker for lending needs, and more. The advisor quarterbacks the process to ensure all aspects of a client’s financial life work together in their best interest.

Relief from Analysis Paralysis

Too much complex financial information can lead to “analysis paralysis” where clients are overwhelmed and unable to make decisions. The advisor filters the most important data and provides structure/perspective to simplify the process. Their wisdom and experience help clients avoid common mistakes and feel more confident in their financial trajectory.

Empowering Your Financial Journey through the Professional Guidance of a Financial Advisor

A financial advisor can empower your journey to financial security by providing expertise, accountability, and confidence. Their wisdom and experience help you navigate complex money matters you may find daunting to tackle alone. An advisor educates you on topics to make informed choices while encouraging positive financial behaviors. They can see the big picture of your finances and life goals to offer personalized guidance. With an advisor’s help, you feel equipped, focused, and reassured to make smart money moves. Rather than restricting you, an advisor actually empowers you to take control. They illuminate the path so you can confidently walk toward your dreams.

Taking the First Steps Towards a Secure Financial Future

Getting started on planning for financial stability may seem intimidating initially. But the journey begins with simple first steps like tracking your spending, setting savings goals, researching investments, assessing insurance needs, or drawing up estate planning documents. Building positive money management habits over time leads to true and lasting security. Having the advice of a knowledgeable financial advisor makes the process far less daunting. Their expertise helps you gain clarity, create a roadmap, and feel supported each step of the way. Progress may feel slow at first. But small actions are consistently taken in the right direction compound to put your financial future on solid ground. Time is the most powerful tool when aided by an advisor’s guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What exactly does a financial advisor do?

Financial advisors provide guidance on many aspects of financial life including investments, retirement planning, insurance, tax strategies, estate planning, college savings, debt management, and more. Their role is to understand a client’s financial situation and life goals in order to offer personalized advice and plans to help achieve prosperity, security, and peace of mind. They help clients make smart financial choices.

How much does a financial advisor’s services cost?

Cost structures vary widely between financial advisors. Some charge hourly fees, others flat rates, and some take a percentage of assets under management. Fees can range from under $100 per hour to over 1% of assets per year for ongoing portfolio management. It’s important to clearly understand how an advisor charges since fees impact long-term returns. Fee-only advisors avoid conflicts of interest that commission-based advisors may have.

Are there any red flags to watch out for when choosing an advisor?

Red flags include vague promises of exceptional returns, extremely complex strategies, refusal to thoroughly explain fees, pressure tactics to make immediate decisions, and limited credentials/experience. Reputable advisors clearly explain their processes, avoid hype, outline fees in writing, and give objective advice on what’s best for you.

How do fiduciary advisors differ from non-fiduciary advisors in terms of their legal and ethical obligations to clients?

A fiduciary advisor is legally obligated to provide advice in the client’s best interest rather than their own interests. Non-fiduciaries don’t have this standard, so their advice may be influenced by outside incentives. Fiduciary duty provides an extra layer of client protection.

How can I determine the appropriate level of risk for my investments?

Assessing risk involves understanding your time horizon, financial goals, income stability, loss tolerance, and emotional reaction to volatility. An advisor can provide a detailed risk analysis but your comfort level is also crucial. The right risk allocation balances achieving portfolio growth while avoiding excess worry.

Meeting with a financial advisor and related documentation?

Bring any documents related to your overall financial picture, including recent tax returns, investment statements, insurance policies, retirement plan details, wills/trusts, outstanding debts, income streams, and an overview of financial goals. This provides key information to formulate initial recommendations.

Can a financial advisor help with debt management?

Yes, many financial advisors can provide debt pay-off strategies by assessing total debt, interest rates, income, and budget to create a tailored debt reduction plan. They can advise on prioritizing accounts, consolidating/refinancing, balance transfers, and negotiating with creditors.

What’s the significance of a certified financial planner (CFP) designation?

A CFP has met extensive education requirements and experience standards to provide comprehensive financial planning. A CFP adheres to ethical practices and acts as a fiduciary for clients. The designation indicates advanced expertise across all areas of financial advice.

How often should I meet with my financial advisor?

Annually or semi-annually is fairly common for portfolio reviews and progress checks. More frequent meetings can address life changes, new goals, or volatile markets. Solid advisor relationships involve open communication when guidance is needed.

Can I change my financial advisor if I’m not satisfied with their services?

Yes, you should absolutely change advisors if you are dissatisfied with their services, level of communication or feel your needs are not being met. Assessing advisor fit is ongoing, so moving to a better option is in your best interest.

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